




基本上會依照課本,分單學期講授,個體經濟學包括市場經濟的需求面與供給面、消費者的消費選擇、廠商的生產與成本、市場結構。總體經濟學包括失業、政府收支、總合供需理論、貨幣的供給與貨幣需求、財政政策以及國際貿易。另外,也會應用日常生活的實例,讓學生知道如何將所學應用到現實世界的實例,而可以大大提升學生的學習興趣。上課採取投影片的方式,同學可以下載講義。給同學講義的目的,是希望同學上課能專心聽講,只需加註解以及記錄另外補充的教材,不必忙著分心又聽又寫的,唯恐漏了哪一段。講義不能取代課本,預習時先看講義比較容易進入狀況,上完課後再讀課本複習,才能真正理解。講義也不會只限於課本的內容,會有額外補充教材,同學在課堂上如果聽不懂的可以隨時發問、或者下課休息或者在 office hour 到我研究室問清楚。

This course focuses on the following topics: basic theory of consumer behavior; production and costs; partial equilibrium analysis of pricing in competitive and monopolistic markets; and welfare. This course will provide an overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed, as are the public debt and international economic issues. It introduces basic models of macroeconomics and illustrates principles with the experience of the United States and other economies. The course will attempt to relate theory to practice and try to instill in students the ability to apply basic microeconomic concepts to the understanding of everyday phenomena.


(一)緒論, 需求與供給 Demand and Supply
1.需求的性質 demand
2.供給的性質 supply
3.市場均衡 equilibrium
4.供給線與需求線的變動 change in the demand curve and supply curve
(二)消費者選擇 Consumer choice
(1)效用與邊際效用遞減法則 utility and law of diminishing marginal utility
(2)消費者剩餘 consumer surplus
(3)偏好與無異曲線 preference and indifference curve
(三)成本與廠商決策 The Cost of Production
1.經濟利潤與利潤極大化 economic profit and maxization profit
2.短期與長期的生產技術 short and long product technology
3.短期與長期的成本結構 short and long cost
4.規模經濟 economies to scale
(四)市場結構 The Analysis of Competitive Markets
1.完全競爭市場 Perfect Competition
2.獨占 Monopoly
3,差別訂價 price discrimination
4.壟斷性廠商 Monopolistic Competition
5.寡占廠商的行為分析 Oligopoly
(五)總體經濟的衡量 GDP and The Standard of Living
1.國內生產毛額的意義 gross domestic product
2.衡量物價水準的指標 geneal price level
3.福利 welfare
(六)總合供需分析 AS-AD
1.景氣循環與失業 cycle and unemployment
2.長期及短期總供給線 short and long aggregate supply curve
3.總需求線 aggregate demand curve
4.總合供需的分析架構 AS-AD
(七)景氣循環與財政政策 Cycle and Fiscal Policy
1.總供需與景氣循環 AS-AD and cycle
2.總需求內容的探討 aggregate demand
3.財政政策 fiscal policy
4.財政乘數 fiscal multiplier
5.財政政策與景氣循環 fiscal policy and business cycle

(八)金融體系與貨幣政策 The Monetary System and Monetary Policy
1.金融體系簡介 The Monetary System
2.貨幣的功能與本位制度 source of money and money capability
3.貨幣的創造 money creation
4.中央銀行與貨幣政策 central bank and money policy
5.貨幣供需與利率 money supply, money demand and interest
6.貨幣政策與總供需 money policy and AS-AD
(九)經濟成長 Economic growth


評分方式:期中考 (30%), 期末考 (40%), 平時表現與點名 (30%)。



主要教科書:經濟學概論 (三版), 胡春田等合著, 2006。


1. Michael Parkin (2007), Economics, 8th Edition, (Yeh Yeh Book Gallery).
2. N.Gregory Mankiw (2007), Principles of Economics, fourth ecition, (Hwa-Tai).
3.經濟學 2000:跨世紀新趨勢 (四版,上、下冊), 熊秉元等合著, 雙葉書廊, 2005.
4.經濟學 (二版), 謝振環等合著, 新月圖書/東華書局, 2006。


Complements, Consumer surplus, Marginal Cost, Supply, Demand, Elasticity, Consumers, Producers, Taxation, Externalities, Public Goods, Common Resources , Costs, Production, Competitive Markets, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Factors, Income Inequality, Asymmetric Information, Contracts ,Moral Hazards, Poverty, Capital, Labor, Total cost, Diseconomies of scale, duopoly, Envelop curve, Excess demand, Employment, Disposable income, Discount rate, Discouraged worker, Business cycle, Expansion, Recession, Government Policies, Growth, Saving, Investment, Unemployment ,Inflation, Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Fiscal Policy , output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation, Monetary and fiscal policies, the public debt and Macroeconomic Policy.





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